How To Be A Rani
It's More Than An Affiliate Program
1. How do I apply for this program?
All you’ve got to do is fill out the form and wait for your profile to be verified. As soon as
your profile meets the eligibility criteria, your account will be approved!
2. Do I have to pay to join this program?
No, there is no payment involved for you to apply for
3. How long will it take to approve my profile?
It takes about 30 - 45 days (about 1 and a half months) to verify your account. A
confirmation mail will be sent once the profile is accepted further which a welcome email
will be sent with all the necessary instructions and guidebooks to make it a smooth
4. Can I reapply after my account gets rejected?
We only accept one application per email address and rejected email addresses are not
eligible to apply again.